Every serious group in the animal rights / vegan movement should go through this course, and it’s hard for me to fathom how any group could continue to operate, and operate well, without it.

The knowledge imparted by Krista during the course, from her vast experience of working in leadership roles in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors in and outside the movement – aided by AI expert Kyle, guest speakers and the wonderful community of participants – is so well earned, researched, formulated and delivered, that I can now say with confidence that I finally have a good grasp on every aspect of the complex work of running a nonprofit, and especially a nonprofit in the animal rights / vegan field. From crafting and fine-tuning your mission, vision, values and programmatic areas, to professionalizing your board, marketing, hiring, fundraising, and everything in between, this course covered it all and offered the best tools and practices for learning more, and putting it all together into a cohesive Strategic Plan that will serve your nonprofit for many years to come.

SPAA is the absolute “Non-profiting 101” (and 102 and 103…) that you always knew you needed, but did not know where to get. Now we all do, and it’s so accessible (and fun) and free! Run, run, run to sign up for the next one!